BODY PRAYER: A Prana Vinyasa Flow® inspired journey through the 5 elements
and join this mind-heart-opening & fun flow including practices for
all five elements – Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space as well as
elemental namaskars, Kriya, Mudra Vinyasa, Mantra Sadhana, Inquiry and
Movement Meditation
Our practice not only supports deeper
understanding of our physical body but can also be a catalyst for
touching our heart, essence and authentic joyous Being.
through the 5 elements, we can create a solid foundation allowing us to
feel the inter-connectedness of things and us being part of this web of
existence with infinite possibilities to be in the world.
aware of the voices that hold us back and restrict our free expression,
we are able to make more intelligent and integrated choices for honest
and joyful living.